Automobile Accident

Auto Accident Rehabilitation/How Can PPMRC Help?

The physiatric pain and medical rehabilitation clinic (PPMRC) specializes in the evaluation and treatment of individuals who have been injured in  motor vehicle collisions. We recognize that this is a stressful, as well as painful moment in your life and with our knowledgeable, qualified and professional staff we enthusiastically work to limit your pain and suffering by providing the best treatment options available in a very timely manner, usually within hours of your accident.

Typical Symptoms:

As a rehabilitation specialist that has provided care to countless patients that have been involved in motor vehicle collision/accident, we are aware that you may be experiencing severe throbbing neck pain, or low back pain, joint stiffness, pain with minimal range of motion, often-times the  pain may radiate to the arm or leg with associated numbness and tingling. Certain patients may be experiencing a severe, throbbing headache that radiates around the head. All these symptoms can occur from even a low impact accident without the patient striking their head within the vehicle.

How we can help:

After an initial evaluation the doctor will customize a physical therapy program that’s specific for you which  may consist of physical therapy modalities including moist heat applications, electrical stimulation, ultrasound treatments, hydrobed, various massage treatments by a licensed massage therapist.  The PPMRC also provides patient specific stretching and variable resistance  strengthening programs.

Our aerobic conditioning program utilizes treadmills, stationary bikes and elliptical machines to limit pain and suffering.  The patient will have periodic medical re-evaluations with the doctor and his therapist to continue to ensure the best treatment program  that delivers significant  pain relief.

  • Our dedicated billing staff will take the pressure and the hassle off your shoulders by filing insurance claims on your behalf.
  • Many times patients recently involved in an accident have other pressing questions that need addressing. What about repairs to my car? Am I expected to pay for my rental car? what about my inability to return to my job and when can I collect lost wages due to the injury? Our specially trained  staff is capable of providing answers to the  patients most important questions.
  • Our staff will also refer you to a very reputable and knowledgeable personal injury attorney  at the patients request.
  • The Physiatric pain and medical rehabilitation clinic will provide  quality treatment to you whether you are the driver, passenger or pedestrian involved in a motor vehicle collision.

What Makes PPMRC The Best Place To Rehab?

  • Our doctor is a Physiatrist (board certified in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) and an alumnus of Northwestern and Mayo Clinic
  • Our staff is courteous, pleasant and very knowledgeable and provides rehabilitation  in a spa type setting.
  • We provide alternative all natural pain relieving rehab products(bath salts, rehab pain relieving gels) to limit and relieve pain to those patients that prefer  not to take alot of medications.
  • We provide comprehensive final narrative within weeks of the patient having completed their treatments.
  • We place providing pain relief and quality patient care as our foremost responsibility, while attempting to provide work restriction and a return to work philosophy to aid and improve the  patient’s quality of life.
  • Our doctor can provide you with medications, comprehensive physical therapy and trigger point injections to aid in pain relief.

So choose wisely and choose PPMRC as the place to begin to get your life back in order by decreasing your pain and improving your range of motion and quality of life. Call us at 407-291-3077.

Request Appointment
(407) 291-3077

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Orlando, FL



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